Temple Grandin discusses issues with autism and sensory processing disorder


16 Fun extracts from a 1-hour interview with Temple Grandin on various subjects, from job interviews to trying new foods, and a couple of personal questions about her favorite music and what she would like to study next.

4 Tips on how to deal with sensory overload
Temple’s favorite music
How to manage anxiety during job interviews
Deep Pressure
3 Types of minds: Visual, Pattern and Facts thinkers
The value of companion animals
How to moderate a discussion panel with different opinions
Get work skills!
How accurate is the HBO biopic?
What Temple would like to research next, if given the chance
How do I tell my child he has autism?
The Value of Making Stuff
What to do if you are an employer of a person with autism
The value of special interest clubs for older kids
How to help a child try new foods
Good support involves appropriate stretching of the individual

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