Open Letter: Daily Habit to Boost Brain Health, and it’s not a brain teaser

Dear citizens,

There is a solution for brain health.

But there is a problem.

This solution doesn’t look or feel like the solution you may have expected.

In the middle of the sea of options and information, it is going unnoticed because of what the solution is.

Your loved one is suffering.

It is not fun to have something wrong with the brain.

Whether it is Autism, Alzheimer’s, depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, or any of a number of challenges, it is just not fun.

And you don’t have a lot that you can do to help.

If only you could. If only there was something you could do, or the doctors could do to really make a difference.

In fact, many have stopped looking for something because they feel that there is never really anything that can make a big enough difference to be worth the time and effort an false hopes.

Well, the solution is not far from the common daily habits that doctors often advise for most ailments.

What if you asked a doctor for advice about how to reduce the chance of cancer, have good heart health, or keep diabetes at bay? What do you think the answer might be?

Eat right? Get good sleep? Avoid stress? Exercise?

Those four simple daily habits are good for so many issues.  And they are important for brain health as well.

But there is another good daily habit not listed.

This one daily habit can make the difference.

What is this one daily habit? What can you do each day that can make a big difference in improving the symptoms suffered by your loved one?

Well, three different studies from the University of California had the people involved add a 10 to 20 minute routine into their daily lives.  This is what the award-winning studies found:

  1. When given to children with Autism, 21% lost their classical Autism diagnosis in 6 months.
  2. Subjects were 6 times as likely to experience significant improvements in their symptoms
  3. People improved in their IQ, as well as learning, communication, social skills, motor skills, mood, behaviors, attention span, their sleep improved, felt more relaxed, and many other symptoms that plague mental health issues.

Here is that daily habit.

(And when you hear it, you are going to see why it is not what you would think.)

The answer is daily Sensory Enrichment.

That’s right! Each day, you need about 10 minutes of quality sensory enrichment.

So what does that look like?

Do I just fill up the house with flashing lights and playing music? Should I have the TV and the blender going while somebody rubs my arms with steel wool?

Of course not!

Not all sensory stimulation is what you would call ‘enriching.’ In fact, depending on the brain’s condition, each person may have a different answer as to what is enriching.

For example, children with autism may find things very disturbing that we ourselves might not be bothered with at all.

At other times, people may be exposed to sensory rooms or games, but see no improvement in their symptoms because the stimulation is not enriching in the right way.

All of this needs to be considered when spending time with daily Sensory Enrichment, and maybe this is why it has taken so long to put together an effective solution!

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is the right balance.

It is the one that has been proven effective in the studies.

It is not Sensory Integration Therapy, and it is not sensory rooms and, of course, it is not dropping your loved one in front of a TV while they are spinning in a chair.

By doing 10 minutes a day of Sensory Enrichment Therapy, you will be doing the right kind of stimulation that will get those same incredible results for your loved one.

There it is.

Not what you expected?

So simple!  All it is, is a daily habit of the right kind of Sensory Enrichment, as found in Sensory Enrichment Therapy.

Yet simple as it is, this habit when followed yields results.  Like eating well, exercising, getting good sleep and avoiding stress, there are simple things you can do each day that can make a huge difference.

How does it work?

There are over 400 exercises that have each been designed to strike the right sensory balance, with video and written instructions that can show you exactly how to do it at home.

A comprehensive questionnaire also ensures that the software selects the right exercises for your own loved one.

All you have to do is open an account and get started! 

Don’t just give it a try. Don’t just check it out. Give it a good effort. It is just so powerful that we are sure you will notice the changes in WEEKS!

Once you have experienced the power of the daily Sensory Enrichment habit, join us in sharing it with EVERYONE!

We need to build a community and rally together as we share the news about Sensory Enrichment Therapy, and help each other to stick to it!

We need people telling their friends, and encouraging them.

We need schools supporting parents who are doing this.

We need facilities to take 10 minutes of the day to have sensory-enriching activities with the individuals in the facility.

We need organizations to get the word out.

Together, we can help grow the solution for brain health.

Everyone needs to know about Sensory Enrichment Therapy.

Everyone needs to add the habit that transforms lives!

Let’s make it happen!

Your FIRST STEP is opening your account today.


1 thought on “Open Letter: Daily Habit to Boost Brain Health, and it’s not a brain teaser”

  1. Today it took me two hours to do the therapy. First I have to get the materials together. Then I have to get my son into the mood to do therapy, this might take up to an hour. Then we do the therapy for 5 to 10 minutes. Then I write my report. I try to incorporate elements into the day. Sometimes I take time to learn about it. It is a real commitment and takes a lot of time and patience. But it is the only therapy up to now that really makes a difference.


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