Mendability announces award for autism research paper from the American Psychological Association

University of California Irvine Study “Environmental Enrichment as an Effective Treatment for Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial” Wins D.G. Marquis Behavioral Neuroscience Award

IRVINE, CA—April 3, 2014—Mendability announced that the research paper on which their Sensory Enrichment Therapy is based has been awarded the prestigious D.G. Marquis Behavioral Neuroscience Award. The winning paper is entitled, “Environmental Enrichment as an Effective Treatment for Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” It was authored by Dr. Cynthia Woo and Dr. Michael Leon, from University of California Irvine (UCI).

This award is given each year to recognize the best paper published in Behavioral Neuroscience, the journal of the American Psychological Association. The winner is selected by the Editor and Consulting Editors of the journal.

Mendability® for Autism was the basis for the research program and clinical trial at UCI, from which the paper was authored. Mendability for Autism uses a modality known as Sensory Enrichment Therapy. Woo and Leon documented marked improvement in children with autism ages 3 to 12 who engaged in this sensory enrichment therapy. The study was published in the May 2013 edition of Behavioral Neuroscience.

You may download the PDF here

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is a carefully constructed protocol of sensory exercises which can be done at home. Sensory Enrichment activities can include placing hands in bowls of water with different temperatures, walking on surfaces with different textures, and other simple activities that can be done using household items. There are no medications involved, and it is fully complementary with standard autism care. Mendability takes Sensory Enrichment Therapy to the next level by providing personalized therapy that is customized for the unique challenges facing each child.

“Dr. Woo and I are very happy and honored to receive this award,” said Dr. Michael Leon. “We hope it will encourage parents to use this approach for their children with autism.”

Mendability co-founder, Eyal Aronoff, is also a co-founder of Quest Software (now a Dell company) and Fuel Freedom Foundation. He found that Sensory Enrichment Therapy helped his daughter Leya overcome her autism. Today she functions as a normal, healthy teenager. Aronoff, and others, funded the UCI research efforts behind the therapy to make it available to other families. Now Mendability for Autism will assist families in overcoming the symptoms and challenges of autism.

About Mendability

Mendability is the original provider of Sensory Enrichment Therapy for autism. Sensory Enrichment Therapy is an evidence-based, clinically-validated therapy to promote brain plasticity and make living with autism simpler and more comfortable. Mendability is a low-cost, structured protocol that parents and caregivers can administer at home without the use of medications. For more information, please visit or call 1 (888) 579-7002.

Media Contact
Kim Pomares
[email protected]
+1-801-692-6830 ext. 7001

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