Category: Sensory Processing


Webinar: Why is my child with autism unaware of dangerous situations?

Autism comes with several specific neurological differences that make learning about danger and looking right and left prior to crossing the street difficult. We will review these neurological differences and teach 4 techniques designed to compensate for the differences and stimulate brain plasticity to improve natural abilities and awareness.

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Summer Activities for Autism: Fishing in the sink

Fish colored pom-poms or marbles. Besides fine motor improvement, this game is also a great speech development booster because it uses vision, fine motor, touch and posture skills simultaneously, which are all part of speech development.

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Tactile defensiveness: how to do sensory enriched touch?
Sensory Processing

Tactile defensiveness: how to do sensory enriched touch

In this article we will review strategies that help individuals with tactile defensiveness, as well as other sensory processing issues related to touch, so that they can also implement touch exercises, and reap the benefits of an increase in brain plasticity.

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ADHD symptoms – updated checklist

Have you noticed the following ADHD symptoms in your child? If they persist for at least six months to a degree that is disruptive to your life, you may be dealing with attention deficit disorder (ADD, ADHD).

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