How to do Sensory Enrichment Therapy when you are traveling this summer
Vacation destinations and community outings can provide opportunities for environmental enrichment for a child, with a host of new scents, sights, and textures.
Vacation destinations and community outings can provide opportunities for environmental enrichment for a child, with a host of new scents, sights, and textures.
Fathers play a vital role in the development of their children with or without developmental disorders such as autism, and science is there to prove it.
Science shows that silence is good for you. Researchers did experiments with animals and found that exposure to silence prompted cell development in the brain. This article includes some practical suggestions and answers to frequently asked questions.
Sensory Enrichment Therapy is an evidence-based, clinically-validated therapy to promote brain plasticity and make living with autism simpler and more comfortable.
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There is a solution for brain health.
But there is a problem.
This solution doesn’t look or feel like the solution you may have expected. In the middle of the sea of options and information, it is going unnoticed because of what the solution is, and who is delivering it.
Children generally need help to make sure that they stay hydrated when the temperature rises, and children with special needs may require extra help. Not enough water may lead to discomfort and even serious physical distress. We are going to share some recommendations in this article about helping children to stay hydrated and why they need your help.
Increased financial burden on families, insurance, and governments for the costs associated with treating mental health issues has prompted Mendability, a company delivering a unique treatment therapy, to offer its renowned program free online.
Ideas to help decrease anxiety and increase focus in children with autism and ADHD as they prepare for your next therapy session in the waiting room.
Whatever your child’s needs are, it’s important to address them in their lesson plan and understand that many children on the autism spectrum require repetition and order to understand a concept.