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Now, what if your child could not only sleep through the night,

but also feel calmer, happier and reach all their milestones? Guaranteed!

Let's talk!

In our FREE bonus call, we’ll identify your child’s biggest challenges and lay out a personalized roadmap to help their brain be stronger and more adaptable.

Kim Pomares

What You’ll Get from Booking a Call

  • Customized Sleep Protocol: We’ll work together to customize the protocols we describe in this guide, considering your or your child’s specific preferences, and environments.
  • Personalized Advice: We’ll discuss your child’s unique challenges and goals, ensuring the approach is tailored to their needs.
  • Overview of Sensory Enrichment: Learn how this method activates the brain’s self-healing mechanisms to support your child’s development.
  • No Obligations: The consultation is completely free, with no pressure to commit afterward.
  • Customized Plan: We’ll help you understand how Sensory Enrichment could fit into your family’s routine, making the sessions enjoyable and effective.
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Do you have a child with developmental challenges?

Are they struggling to regulate their emotions? Follow instructions? Sleep? Express themselves? Feel comfortable?

What if there was a way to support your child’s brain and finally help them with all of that… 

…with a full money-back guarantee!

(I know it sounds strange to have a money-back guarantee on a health program. It’s not a gimmick. It’s a promise. It’s how we wish all medicine was practiced.)

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During the call, I will ask you questions about your child and about your family situation to make sure our program could work for you.

For about 20% of the families that call, this is not a good fit.

It has to do with how the child responds to certain sensory inputs (since we do a lot of sensory games) and whether the whole family could participate (to help the child feel like they are not singled out)

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Learn the transformative power of stimulating brain plasticity through Sensory Enrichment Therapy.

We can re-wire the brain for sleep, speech development, sensory processing, and all the challenges that are keeping your child from being comfortable, confident and happy.
Scientists have already treated successfully many neurological conditions, from Autism to Alzheimer’s. Environmental Enrichment can induce self-repair in the brain, reverse trauma and prompt it to build reserves against stress and trauma.

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is my translation of this science and it has been validated in randomized controlled trials with populations of children with autism, ADHD, Rett syndrome and with seniors with dementia.

Let’s talk!

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12 Monthly Openings for our Platinum Program

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