New Autism Treatment Clinical Trial is Given Prestigious Award

New Autism Treatment Clinical Trial is Given Prestigious Award

“New hope may be available for children with autism. A study published in the reputable journal Behavioral Neuroscience found that autistic behavior in children ages 3-12 years old who received environmental sensory experiences found marked improvement in their behavior.”

–Dr. Meg Meeker

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20-minute webinar, including 2 techniques to try at home

As Seen in the News

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About Sensory Enrichment Therapy

animated neuron growth

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Brain Plasticity – studies have shown that the brain has the ability to change and develop
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Sensory Enrichment therapy includes specific protocols proven to enhance Brain Plasticity
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MendAbility is an easily accessible Sensory Enrichment therapy tool you can do at home
The results are:
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A child who initiates more natural conversations
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A child who is more comfortable in his own skin and the world around him
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A child who can learn more confidently
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More calm, more focus, more engagement
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Deeper, less interrupted sleep
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More interest in varied foods
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Easier to cope with change and to transition

Autism Progress Graph

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