Tag: Fine Motor


Summer Activities for Autism: Fishing in the sink

Fish colored pom-poms or marbles. Besides fine motor improvement, this game is also a great speech development booster because it uses vision, fine motor, touch and posture skills simultaneously, which are all part of speech development.

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Webinar: Handwriting is not in the hands – New evidence-based training

Tired of the same old approach? 

This webinar will revitalize your approach by offering fresh and evidence-based strategies to enhance handwriting instruction and unlock your students’ potential. 

You will learn unique insights into the brain functions involved in handwriting and short, clinically-validated activities you can do with your students.

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Sensory enrichment exercise: roll playdough snakes

Like most of our exercises involving fine motor finger skills, this is actually a speech development exercise. Providing efficient and reliable connections for fine motor control is an essential step which we take by prompting organized migration from a very populated brain area to its less efficient neighbor.

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How to improve brain connections with a frozen cup

Stimulating each finger tip with a strong and linear information such as ice cold is novel in the sense that we hardly ever get a pressure with cold temperature, in turn, on all fingers of both hands. The novelty and the power of the information ensure that the brain will process fast and accurately, even in the case of a child or adult with brain injury.

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