Temple Grandin discusses Sensory Enrichment Therapy’s clinical data

The randomized controlled trials that Temple Grandin discuss here are published in “Behavioral Neuroscience” (1,2).

For these clinical studies, Mendability provided the research teams with 6 months of Sensory Enrichment Therapy protocols to implement with the individuals in the enrichment groups.

You can access the same program and do it at home by following this link.

  1. Woo, C., & Leon, M. (2013). Environmental enrichment as an effective treatment for autism: A randomized controlled trial. Behavioral Neuroscience, 487-497.
  2. Woo, C., Donnelly, J., Steinberg-Epstein, R., & Leon, M. (2015). Environmental enrichment as a therapy for autism: A clinical trial replication and extension. Behavioral Neuroscience, 412-422.

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is an evidence-based, patent-pending treatment that uses sensory experiences to enable the brain to reduce the symptoms of autism.

The treatment involves sensorimotor exercises that stimulate concurrently two or more senses such as olfactory, tactile, visual, balance, motor systems, etc.

Temple Grandin PhD, describes it this way:

“A simple and easy-to-implement series of environmental enrichment experiences has been shown to greatly reduce the severity of symptoms in children with autism.” (1)

“The treatment consists of a variety of sensory exercises that are done for 30 minutes a day… The program was designed to use economical and readily available household materials.

Research with animals has clearly shown that combinations of olfactory (smell) and tactile stimulation are very beneficial to the developing brain.  Stimulation of the senses of BOTH smell and touch with constantly changing stimulation is a foundation of the treatment.”


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